
Collin College Continuing Education 
Classes meet at the Courtyard Center

Memoir Writing I taught by Mary Pfeiffer    Syllabus

TUESDAY, SEPT. 10 - OCT 15, 2013,  6:OO to 8:00 PM
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11 - OCT 16, 2013,  12:3O to 2:30 PM
Course Description: This course gets you started writing your memories or those of your family.  Class activities focus on finding the stories that need to be told, figuring out how to start them, and deciding on specific details to include.  You will create a unique index of story topics and write a short memoir for each session.  Our goal is to make every story you write one you will be proud to share with your family.  Each class offers opportunity to share stories and help class members make helpful revisions. 

Memoir Writing II taught by Mary Pfeiffer   Syllabus

Course Description: This six-week course, open to anyone who has taken Memoir Writing I, enables you to combine your love of writing and your passion for family stories into a publishable collection.  Whether you wish to record highlights of your own life, write a family history, or capture the oral stories of your grandparents before they are forgotten, this course provides you with a solid foundation from which to build.  Your weekly writing can be a suggested topic or one of your own ideas.  Writing skill tips and class member suggestions provide focus for editing pieces.

Memoir Writing III taught by Mary Pfeiffer     Syllabus

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11 - OCT 16, 2013,  10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Course Description: Participants in the Memoir Writing III class have written extensively on their collected memoirs. In these sessions they will add new pieces and look for themes around which to organize their stories. Stories are read aloud with one writer’s work being critiqued by class members each week.